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Spiritual vows renewal - beach celebration in Playa del Carmen

Kristy contacted us to inquire for a special ceremony for her and Rob with an unsual request: she wanted to share this spiritual experience with another couple: her friend Jeanette and her partner Ed.

We suggested a nice and quite beach venue near Playa del Carmen were the 2 couples had a spiritual vows renewal: an holistic union. The day was perfect, the couples were happy and their comment was that everything was beautiful!

No matter if you are looking for a wedding ceremony, a vows renewal or a blessing as a family, we are always honored to be there with you.

We always ask you to tell us something about you as a couple and how you met in order to be able to personalize your ceremony, make you vibe together and connect on a deeper level.

Here below we share these amazing couples’ story.

Our stories are VERY similar.

Kristy and Rob, and Jeanette and Ed both met online.

Kristy and Rob met online and texted for almost 2 weeks when Kristy decided that she wasn’t sure she was ready for a relationship and sent Rob a text saying that they should just be friends. Rob says he never go that text message. A few days later Kristy’s Gramma passed away and Rob asked if he could call her and talk. By the end of the call they agreed to have their first date in a public place, at Rob’s first solo Body Pump class at the gym. The next day they met at the beach after Alex, Kyle and Jake went to school. They walked along the beach and talked for hours about anything and everything and when they finally left, Kristy immediately called her best friend Pleasure and told her that she was going to marry him and that she couldn’t put into words why but just she knew he was meant for her.

Rob says he knew Kristy was the one on their second date also when they were walking and she punched him in the arm, hard, and said “slug bug, no slug backs”.

Rob planned a surprise 40th birthday party for Kristy with their close friends and family (and her best friend Pleasure on the phone). After dinner and just before desert, he got down on one knee and proposed.

First date Sept 13, 2010

Engaged Nov 29, 2012

Married Sept 27, 2013

Jeanette and Ed met online after Jeanette’s friends kept telling her to try online dating. She said there were some creepy messages from guys but then she got Ed’s message and agreed to have their first date in a public place, at the bowling alley. The next day they met at the park after Jeremy went to school. Ed pushed Jeanette on the swing and on the merry go round and when she left, Jeanette called her best friend Tamara and told her that she was going to marry him and she also couldn’t explain how she knew, but she knew that he was her person.

Ed says he knew after a few weeks of dating that Jeanette was the one, when they were cuddling on the floor with blankets and watching a movie.

Ed took Jeanette to the park where they had their second date and was spinning Jeanette on the merry go round, so fast Jeanette says it made her dizzy and then he abruptly stopped it and was down on one knee and proposed.

First date Feb 7, 2013.

Engaged May 7, 2013.

Married Sept 7, 2013.

Fotos: Dimitrii Moody


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